Thanks for asking. I am not saying that, but I should explain:
I tried ENO alone and then *added* EE switch and Supracat, so all three devices were in-network.
I’ve not yet removed the ENO to evaluate the EE and Supra Cat alone, which is unusual for me. Here’s why I didn’t bother removing ENO Ag-yet: 1) I bought all three items used so there is no return-clock ticking and the money at stake is much less than cost of new, 2. More resolving speakers will arrive later this month which could (should) be better at revealing differences, so final assessments of network items cannot be made until then. Too, it’s pretty likely I step up my pre and dac game with new pieces after speakers are broken in, 3. It will be quite a surprise if I find that ENO Ag adds nothing compared with EE and Supra Cat 8 without out ENO Ag when I do get around to removing it from the network. And 4. as @grannyring said in his OP: “I am so ecstatic with my sound that I don’t want to touch it!”