Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


I feel no need to @.... anyone and spotlight immaturity in this thread because you have all done so very well on your own

I have communicated with MC many times 1:1 and have never felt anything other than a passionate collegial audiophile that truly hopes everyone can find their audio nirvana.  He voices the love for what is working for him...why shouldn't he?!?!  Maybe he's better off without us.  


What I am about to write is not meant to sound negative.  For the handful of persons who had no problem with einstein's rudeness, it is my sincerest recommendation that you locate whatever audio website where he is now and follow him there.  Problem solved, win, win.


And you Know This how ?

Chucky had his posting privileges revoked For a second time for constant and blatant rule infractions, Homophobic posts , attempting to subvert the moderation of the forum etc etc etc …and for being more trouble than he was worth … from your posting history You are obviously a Fan Boy , thats your prerogative , however your attempt to tar those that have chosen to speak out as harbouring ego’s is pathetic.





Who would have thought digital blinders would be a thing?

Some traditions have a way of adapting to changing times.

All the best,

For those of you wondering about MC charging for his "expertise". Here is the post from 2019.


millercarbon’s avatar


12,415 posts


Being in a remote area and patient my advice is order yourself a copy of Robert Harley’s Complete Guide to High-End Audio That’s what I did, and it not only saved me a lot of time and money, but helped me become a much better listener and better able to evaluate components. Its well worth the time and money just for what you will learn about listening.

And budgeting. You really need to learn about budgeting! Everyone, but everyone, gets it all wrong. Except Harley. Who by the way, was one of the all-time great reviewers for Stereophile many years ago.

Let me give you an example about how budgeting works. Actual example. Friend at work wants to buy her husband a really nice present, whole stereo, $2500 budget. Wants me to do everything. (Good call.)

So with that I budget out more or less as follows:
20% speakers $400
20% integrated $400
20% CD $400
20% speaker cables & interconnect $400
20% power cords & Cones $400

If you notice those numbers don’t add up to $2500 that’s because I take $500 right off the top for my time and expertise.