Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?

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I worked out the replacement cost when I insured it to move from the UK to France at around €120k, there was some doubt as the speakers haven’t been made for 15 years and the turntable maker is no longer in existence. Only a speaker change is under consideration as I’m moving again and the new place has plasterboard lined walls which my not suit my speakers designed to go close against a solid one. It might be possible to treat the wall instead.

Cartridges are forever a temptation but funds are more limited since I retired so keeping consumables costs under control is more of an issue.

I’m planning for a service of the electronics in about 10 years and probably won’t need to worry about another in 25.



A little off topic, but, what is the brand of armchair in your pic? It looks nice. Is it your listening chair? I am looking for a set of front row arm chairs that are comfortable for music listening and with enough plushness for watching moves. The front row seats I have now are huge Palliser home theater seats which eat into my space and I keep them extended to lower the backrests because they block the mids from the speakers. Thnx. 

I’m curious as to whether anyone has (or had) a $100k+ system for whom an upgrade entailed lowering the $$ value of the system.

For example, you found that some piece of equipment was not right for the system and a lower priced unit actually increased the sonic achievements. Or a used unit.

Or perhaps moved from an elaborate, expensive system to one which was more right-sized for your ears, room, etc.?