Tidal vs Qubuz - Steely Dan "Jack of Speed"

So I should have posted this a year ago, but never got around to it. I had a subscription to both providers about a year ago and was comparing audio quality between them. I queued up "Jack of Speed" on both and noticed a dramatic difference in the mix between them. The reoccurring trombone hook was burried in the Qobuz version to distraction, while the Tidal version sounded as I’ve always heard it. I then put on the original CD release & compared it to Qobuz. Totally different! I let the Qobuz free trial lapse & continued on with Tidal because of this. So, all of you Dan fans with subscriptions to both... Compare these tracks and let me know if you hear the differences. Would love to know your opinions.


Basing an audio decision based on the assessment, determination, and conclusion of hearing just just one, single, solitary track is not very wise you should expand your horizons they may have even been mastered differently.

Man there are some seriously condescending snobs on this blog. I listened to both Tidal & Qobuz for a month, at their highest resolutions. Contrary to your knee jerk assumptions, I based my opinion on more than one track. I simply asked for some other Steely Dan fans to give those different versions a listen. "they may have been mastered differently." Do ya think?


Man there are some seriously condescending snobs on this blog.

haha -- well this is certainly true, but you did open the door with your op... peace bro...enjoy the music

Find your favorite streaming source and live happily. It's great, too, that the streaming sources each have their own personalities. Not to mention separate sets of ears.

I have had Tidal for a couple of years and Qobuz for the past month.  I signed up for a year of Qobuz after the free trial.  I agree with @jjss49 who said:

i think both services sound very good, though subtly different

However, I would not ascribe a consistent sound to the difference in that I couldn't say Qobuz sounds like this and Tidal sounds like that - just a little different, maybe.  At at this time, after only a month with Qobuz, I would not definitively rank one above the other based on SQ, although I am enjoying having more content to choose from.  I will likely keep both but wanted to give myself the year to decide.

One track does not an informed decision make.

Good enough for some to opine about.