Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates

I’m looking into buying a tube setup.  Thinking it will be Primaluna because I find tube amps a bit intimidating and I will be putting lots of hours on it. Because these factors Primaluna seems like at least a good place to start for me. Thanks to all who gave me there impressions in my previous post about Primaluna.  Anyway, looking for people’s take on tube integrated vs tube seperates. Really what I’m looking for in the move is more holographic soundstage, bloom, air, and an over all more lifelike presentation. Will I get more of these qualities by going Dialogue preamp into Dialogue amp, or with the Dialogue HP integrated, or will it be very similar?  Any thoughts are much appreciated 


Imo..the mindset integradeds take to a back seat to separates is silly at best these days ..there are some super integraded amps out there that can stand side by side or even surpass separates...add that to other benefits they bring to the table  I guess that's what the buying market is following that path .

Biggest issue with integrateds is sharing of power supply. Pre and amp have different requirements, sharing is compromise.

The biggest issue historically with integrated amps is proximity of components to each other especially low level phono sections to power transformers and the noise that can induce but I find it’s not an issue so much these days with more efficient Class D amplifier designs that are dead quiet.

The new Quicksilver KT Monos and Remote line stage come in just under $5k and would be my choice.  Although my QS monos are coming out of my main system soon,  I will never sell them.... They will be in System 2 in the near future.  Mike's gear is bullet proof and sounds great.