Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?


Often people don't look far enough as to what they may eventually obtain.



@infection I try to never say never, but as I mentioned I'm aging out of another rebuild of system, and my planned upgrades and mods with streaming and vinyl setups means basics will likely never get changed.


I mod cars and motorcycles in a similar manner to my audio systems, the bikes and cars always come to endpoint, can't say the same about audio, at least to this  point. I guess the mere thought of starting again with new amps, pre's and speakers is too overwhelming, I'd feel too much at loose ends.

I guess the mere thought of starting again with new amps, pre's and speakers is too overwhelming

Yeah can be...


My system basic cost is 500 bucks..

But with all my acoustic devices ( homemade) he sound more like a 100,000 dollars one or a bit behind it to me... 😊

Is this count ?

I will not upgrade, why?

nothing exceed acoustic mechanical control in a dedicated room...Especially if the basic gear are well designed to begin with for sure...There is always something best...But when the piano sound natural and fill the room  what more?

And i dont think that one of the best amplifier in the world in 1978 is a piece of shit now... 😁😊