Best server to use WITHOUT Roon

Finding Roon a never ending wonky software package.  I am using a SGC sonictransporter ( used to use a Nucleus).  Totally fed up with the periodic blips in its function.  Customer support is often lacking.

So, whats the best server ( with software ) for non - Roon use?


@ghdprentice Every streamer or server is a computer. As I understand it, Aurrender holds to minimal processor model as being best, interesting. I can understand the logic of this, but means one cannot use any dsp. Not making judgmental here, just stating factual.

@mdrone You do know you're Sonictransporter not limited to Roon only. You can use JRiver, Audirvana or any number of players with it. Also, you could try Euphony Stylus Endpoint and/or core which is superimposed upon Roon, supposedly superior sound quality to Roon.

Mr Drone

I also use a SGC as my Roon server. I have not ever encountered the wonks you stated. I have found Andrew at SGC readily accessible. I hope you solve your issues. I really enjoy streaming audio and Roon is like accessing a 24/7 Music Store 

I cannot imagine listening without Roon. I have discovered SO much new music and so many artists due to the hyperlinks and text information. I use an SGC core/server and it's been reliable, but for one issue that only took a shipment back to Andrew to get fixed (I should have a NUC for backup core). 

If I didn't use Roon, I would probably get an Aurender, because their Composer app is excellent. I have heard some reports of their units "bricking" though (and that was from a dealer!). Not sure how common it is.