Schiit Loki Max?

I'm considering buying the new Loki Max EQ for two reasons: 1) its capacity for remote function from the listening chair and 2) its reputed improved transparency (not the the Lokius I currently own isn't remarkably transparent). 

Has anyone tried one of these? ? ? 




I have no reason to expect I won't like the Max-- I had a Loki to begin with and from there upgraded to the Lokius.  At this point my system is considerably more neutral than it's ever been (I favored a more euphonic presentation in the past, before I started losing some of my ability to hear higher frequencies)  and thus, considerably more revealing of the sonic differences between CDs. I'm actually compiling a spreadsheet of settings for each CD. At any rate, it's not very effective trying to adjust the EQ while standing next to the components, which are located off to one side of the room. The prospect of being able to make such adjustments from the listening chair is very appealing. 

I bought this unit, thinking it would be 6-8 weeks, it shipped the very next day.  I have it here, but have so far not placed it in the system.  I love the sound as it is, but will eventually try the unit for the reasons stated.  The system is Perlisten S7t speakers, Constellation Audio integrated SS unit, and a Luxman D-10X SACD player.  This system, to me, makes magic.  

@stuartk - your spreadsheet reminded me of the "old days" for me -- 20 yr ago I listened mainly to CDs and owned a Cello Palette Preamp (which Schiit hints was the model for their new unit). When I open a CD jewel box, sometimes I find an index card with the EQ settings I used back then.


Nice to know there are fellow obsessives out there! 

@rpeluso :

Please let us know your impressions once you've actually got it in your system.

That's great news about the quick delivery. 

I should have mine hopefully in 2-3 weeks according to their 6-8 week wait time.