Schiit Loki Max?

I'm considering buying the new Loki Max EQ for two reasons: 1) its capacity for remote function from the listening chair and 2) its reputed improved transparency (not the the Lokius I currently own isn't remarkably transparent). 

Has anyone tried one of these? ? ? 




I bought this unit, thinking it would be 6-8 weeks, it shipped the very next day.  I have it here, but have so far not placed it in the system.  I love the sound as it is, but will eventually try the unit for the reasons stated.  The system is Perlisten S7t speakers, Constellation Audio integrated SS unit, and a Luxman D-10X SACD player.  This system, to me, makes magic.  

@stuartk - your spreadsheet reminded me of the "old days" for me -- 20 yr ago I listened mainly to CDs and owned a Cello Palette Preamp (which Schiit hints was the model for their new unit). When I open a CD jewel box, sometimes I find an index card with the EQ settings I used back then.


Nice to know there are fellow obsessives out there! 

@rpeluso :

Please let us know your impressions once you've actually got it in your system.

That's great news about the quick delivery. 

I should have mine hopefully in 2-3 weeks according to their 6-8 week wait time.


I ended up upgrading my transport to the Jay's and as a result, will need to wait awhile before I can afford the Loki Max.  

Let us know how the two get along in your system.