I was curious, so I tried to find some feedback from other owners and this is some of what I found.
"I have decided to sell my Ref 3A Royal Virtuosos as I don't think they quite match my room positioning and I'm not hearing the best from them."
"I have recently obtained a used pair of Royal Virtuosos (full Corian cabinet) with very heavy Sound Anchors stands. The problem is that there is no bass. Drums and acoustic bass are almost completely missing and there is almost nothing below 100 Hz. I have tried both my Welbone 300B amp and a Linn solid state amp, it makes no difference. My source is a new Denon DVD player. The tone in the midrange and treble seems good and the imaging is amazing."
"Hi, A friend of mine had this problem with a pair of the Reference3A L'integra and we went nuts trying to fix it. We finally discovered that the speakers were wired out of phase internally, so we just switched the speaker cables black to red and red to black on only one speaker and that solved the problem! Hope it's something as simple as this."
It's not much, but it does confirm your experiences somewhat.
There was also one comment about the speakers, saying they weren't sold through dealers, but were sold by "owners". Which I found odd.