McIntosh MCD 201 CD/SACD player questions about viability of an older piece.

I have an opportunity to get a MCD201 CD.SACD player in a partial trade deal. probably used value about $2k

I currently do not have a CD transport/player I have been mostly steaming Digital after my multi disc player stopped working a few years ago.  I also have zero SACD's but a few hundred CD's. 

I just ordered MC2700 Preamp with the dac2 module and was thinking of adding a transport but frankly I do not see the value in the new McIntosh CD transports, the entry level one MCT80 is $5000USD, for a transport that seems over priced to me, regardless of how it looks on the outside its just a transport. 

So I have a friend who owns a MCD 201 who wants to do a trade deal.  yes its getting older (2007-2008 vintage)but its been serviced and works as it should ( for now).

I'll be using it as a transport only as i feel the DAC in it is dated and the new one in the C2700 should be a better sounding DAC, I'm assuming. 

Any recommendations either way as I know there are many transports for well under $1k that would do the job as well and with a new drive may be more reliable long term. obviously the others would not have the integration of a mac CD-preamp system. 

What's your thoughts, pass or consider? 



Most of the time when you see regional failures or just random failures it has nothing to do with a bad product. It normally has to do with environmental issues. The lack of an AC cleaner and maintainer, poor maintenance practices and being WAY to rough handed. I see it all the time

Rough as a cob some of these people.. Strong hand are gentle hands, so I’ve been told.

Does the 2700 DAC/Preamp have some sort of McIntosh proprietary input for older McIntosh transports?  A IS2, or a FireWire, or some other reason to pair it with the older transport?  Or is having an all McIntosh system the primary consideration?  There are good transports from other companies that will cost you less and potentially be more serviceable should an issue develop.

There are good transports from other companies that will cost you less and potentially be more serviceable should an issue develop.

Disc players are on their way out. There will always be some products out there but high-end players are getting more sparse. I'm hoping my OPPO and Cambridge players take me home but I have a spare Cambridge if I need it.