Bob Carver Going Direct.

So BC is following the Raven, PS Audio business model.

Interesting bit about how he subs out the build of his amplifiers.



Things are farmed out all the time, in every area of manufacturing.    Before pointing the finger at W4S  think about what their role is .   To build what what is spec'd in the B.O.M. .....  blame the bean counters on the build of materials.   

I thought $2795 was too good to be true for that amp

@oddiofyl , I get your point. But there must be someone in charge of production who decided to mount PCBs with glue instead of bolting them to the chassis.

OTOH, wiring the fuse to the wrong circuit sounds like shoddy workmanship to me. I realise this manufacturing may not even be at a Wyred 4 Sound facility.

Yeah....   not cool, especially dealing with the voltages that are within tube amps....mistakes can be deadly