Bob Carver Going Direct.

So BC is following the Raven, PS Audio business model.

Interesting bit about how he subs out the build of his amplifiers.



@oddiofyl , I get your point. But there must be someone in charge of production who decided to mount PCBs with glue instead of bolting them to the chassis.

OTOH, wiring the fuse to the wrong circuit sounds like shoddy workmanship to me. I realise this manufacturing may not even be at a Wyred 4 Sound facility.

Yeah....   not cool, especially dealing with the voltages that are within tube amps....mistakes can be deadly 

I purchased Carver's whole Phase Linear line of matching components not long after they came out after hearing them at a friend's house. After the friend played the Pink Floyd album with the heartbeat on it loudly I had to have them.. They looked great and sounded great together for forty plus years. I even went to his factory somewhere around Seattle about a half hour away to get his Phase Linear 4000 pre-amp serviced back in the early eighties.

My sister later acquired a matched set of his Carver equipment, the one the majestic looking black trapezoidal speakers, that served her well for years. For all he’s provided audiophiles over the years he deserves only the best returns at this point in his life. I still miss the the auto-correlator noise reducer on his Phase 4000.