Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe

I'm the original owner of a pair of K's which I've had for about 9 months. I really enjoy them and they're placed in a 30 x 12 room with a sofa bordering 10' of that 30. I listen about 10-12 feet away. Speakers toed in accordingly. Pushed by a Pass XA 30.8. Preamp is a Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme. I'm overall pretty pleased with this set up but am searching for greater punch and clarity in the midrange frequencies at lower volume levels. I'd like opinions on 2A3 or 300B SET's or EL 34 or 84 push pull as a means of addressing this. Thanks for input.  -Scott


I am quite aware of the the rather unfortunate circumstances surrounding Kondo’s loss of the Audio Note naming rights to Peter Qvortrup, who is a rather unscrupulous character who reminds me of someone else who often hangs around here. He was into shipping insurance of all things before he got into the audio game.

There was some very interesting and heated debate on the Audio Asylum after their separation in which Peter tried to defend his actions, but he didn‘t come off looking too good. Google ’liars thieves and magpies’ if you want a good read. Don‘t know if HE‘s managed to get any posts or threads deleted, but it‘s definitely worth a look.

When I brought up ANK not being affiliated with Audio Note (uk), it was not to disparage, in any way, ANK.  I was merely saying that the products are not the same.  ANK utilizes the same sort of "level" system and says it uses genuine Audio Note parts, etc., but: 1) the circuits are slightly different; just because some parts are sources from Audio Note, it does not mean the quality of all parts are the same; and 3) the "level" ascribed by ANK are not necessarily the equivalent of those of Audio Note.

I personally have limited experience with the ANK kits.  A friend built a DAC that sounded very good to me, so I know that they are capable of making very good kits that represent a solid bargain.  I just don't know how their products stack up against Audio Note.

I've heard Audio Note speakers at Deja Vu Audio in Northern VA and Vu had them set up with a Synthesis integrated amp. They sounded very, very nice. The Synthesis brand has been on my radar since then. Deja Vu struck me as being the model of how a good audio retailer should operate. Each of his listening rooms sounded great, each clearly set up with a lot of attention to detail, and Vu was very generous with his time and experience, and not at all pushy. A stark contrast to dealing with some of the 'used car salesmen' one encounters at rival stores.


I completely agree with you about Deja Vu Audio and Synthesis.  I too, really like their amps and think that the A40 (KT66, built in DAC) would be a fantastic choice with the AN-K, except that the OP has a Backert linestage and is only looking for a power amp.

I own a Deja Vu custom-built linestage and a Deja Vu custom-built stereo power amp based on a Western Electric 133a amplifier (has genuine Western Electric parts, including the correct input and output transformers). I actually like the 133a amp more than i do the Audio Note Kageki amps I also own.  This store is certainly a place to discover gear you will not find anywhere else and experience a different kind of sound that is a far cry from conventional high end.