Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???

Anyone own these ?

I realize the company is now Defunct

and was Colorado based. 

At 200 lbs each and 6 feet tall they

will not be missed in a room.

But they actually weigh the same as 

my last speakers but with only one third  the footprint.

Okay the little woman may see it as a lateral

move but...


I owned the SC-IVA's and had to sell them due to selling the house where the room was almost large enough..... Amazing speakers in my opinion. I was tempted to replace x-over caps, but after reading about the fact they were individually hand matched to the drivers, I decided against it. I'm glad I did because after several hours of pulsing high current through them the solens reformed and they became pure magic! BTW there are no electrolytics in the x-overs to go bad. Hopefully the ones you are looking at have been used regularly. I now own SM-1's with SC-S2 subwoofer and still enjoy the Dunlavy magic daily. I like to say the only thing wrong with Dunlavys is the source material as each tweak to that end is revealed. If I had the room, I would definitely own another pair!

There are a pair of Dunlavy Audio SC VI for sale at Skyfiaudio in Ridgewood NJ.

As per usual, they are asking 80% of retail for a pair of speakers that are 20+ yrs old. I guess it's a good thing they aren't asking more than they cost new. We've seen that too.

More good info. I saw the SkyHi Audio VI ad. 500 lbs each at $20k- Nope.

They did offer to cover shipping. All in the amazing MU% they operate on.


The SC IV pair I will be listening to is owned by a sound engineer

who uses them in his home so they have not been in a garage for

20 years otherwise I would pass.


The Duntechs are likely fantastic but not in my wheelhouse price-wise.

What does anyone think is the minimal WPC required to operate

these? I listen at a max of 75db. Vocals and acoustic music mostly.

Do the Duntechs do well at lower volumes???






I owned the big Duntechs (forerunners of the Dunlavys) back in the 80"s & they were substantially better in just about every way than anything else available at that time other than maybe the Infinity IRS & the bigger Apogees.  The had no spikes & even as big & heavy as they were, they benefitted from my silly looking but highly effective retrofit. I lived in a rented, cool converted  carriage house on an estate & my system was in a large living room (20' x 30') w/ a hard oak paneled ceiling. I put a piece of felt on top of the speakers,  then a small piece of plywood w/ a 2x 6 going up to the ceiling capped by another small piece of plywood. This was wedged in tightly to put reasonable downward pressure on the speakers. It made a substantial improvement in clarity & dynamics. Along w/ my Conrad Johnson Premier One power amp  & the original Basis turntable, lots of good times & good music!

If you can get those speakers for reasonable $, & an they sound good, go for it! Very little better options today for anything less than about $20,000. 

The veneer on the SCIV's I had started delaminating. I wasn't impressed with that. This was at least 10 years ago. Joe