Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT

I have McIntosh a c49 pre and mc152 amp. Trying to decide on speakers. I have narrowed down my choices to Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT. Only got to listen to the SF's. I would like to hear your options on which to purchased.



+1 for the Treo's.

I have listened to the Sabrina's. They're nice, but for the money, you'll get more from Vandersteen. And, a true time and phase correct speaker.

No experience with Sonus Faber.


I would take the Sabrina over the Sonus Faber. I have heard the Sabrina and the Nova 3. The bass went deeper and had more texted/impact on the Sabrina and I put a lot of value on bass. The highs are about the same. The mids are a little different. The Nova 3 has a slight dip at 3k and I feel like the wilson have a slight peak at 3k  I heard a touch of sibilants in the Wilson’s. After demoting both speakers (a few others too Kef R3, Cornwall IV, etc)I bought Revel 228be based on a demo of the 328be.

I can’t help with Vandersteen. 

Personally, I rank them:

1. Vandy

2. SF

3. Wilson

This is such a personal priority decision, it really comes down to tradeoffs and priorities. My take is that the Vandy is a more natural, realistic sound that will promote longer listening sessions and craving for a wide variety of music. They will also provide a sublime combo if you ever decide to move to tube amplification.

The SFs IMHO devote too much of their cost to the lovely cabinetry vs. high quality parts that impact sonics. Every time I demo SFs, I try to talk myself into them because they look so great. Each time, something else at the price point sounder better to me. 

The Sabrina's are the first or one of the first Wilsons designed by the 2nd gen, who moved the sonic signature in the direction of less hyper-detail, more relaxed presentation...a step closer to your other contenders vs. older Wilson designs. I'd guess this bodes directionally well for their future models. I still find the experience too cool...I find myself actively analyzing every note, never relaxing and hearing the players interacting. Good for a quick demo, but not to listen all night. Just my experience, YMMV. Cheers,


I concur with @sbank

I think he hit the nail on the head. Vandersteen has always been a company to offer the most performance at a great price point. Though I will say the cabinetry of the Treo, Quatro, Kento and up are second to none.

I will also concur with the opinion that Vandersteen speakers allow you to relax and enjoy the music.

Though the Sabrina might have lower bass, the Treo's are no slouch. Given the dimensions, it would be hard to make a speaker that size go down below 40hz. Which is why Vandersteen offers subwoofers.

Though not as inexpensive as others, using the high pass filters allows you to run the speakers will a less powerful amp as the power demanding bass notes are transferred to the subs. As the subs are also driven by the amplifier output, their output is seamlessly integrated with the speakers.

Not that you need the subs, but when you want to 'upgrade' you will be able to do so without having to buy new speakers. Putting a sub or two with the Treo's will get you 85% of a Quatro.