Hey pesky_wabbit,
I see the Robertson 4010 amp sold for about $200 and the Marantz cd5000 for about $160. Isn’t that what you have? Nothing wrong with getting a deal.
I see the Roberson 4010 at one time was rated class C in Stereophile.
What do you think of it?
so it looks like you have been desperately raking thru all my posts trying to find some muck you can throw to discredit me. Why does that not surprise me?
Well yes Ozzie my Robertson does sound pretty fine within its own power envelope next to my AR REF150SE and Ayre V-5xe. Admiitedly it does have a few audiophile doodads in it thanks to partsconnexion, but I’m a solder slinger from wayback and I just couldn’t resist the temptation. My Leben CS600 and AR Vsi60 make nice mid power tube options, while the Classe CAP 2100 isn’t bad for a higher powered integrated. As for my Naim/Exposure collection from my Brit period, it is far too extensive to list here. Then there is the stuff I built.
The Marantz CD5000, as Lucas Lampizator rightly points out is probably the CD player bargain of the century as I was trying to bring to the attention of cash strapped audiophiles on this forum - especially when you take the output straght from the DA chip and bypass all the nasty output circuitry. And yes, it does sound mighty fine, if slightly outclssed when put up against my Wadia or Meridian transport and any one of about five far more expensive DACs (Chord, PS,Schiit, Alpha). My old Naim CD5XS still sounds pretty good downstairs.
So there you have it Ozzie. Enough name dropping for you? do I make it into the club?
I know I’ve sure got a hoarding problem.
I forgot to mention that I have been building tube gear for over 50 years and do commissions (phono, line, pp, SETs), but I guess that wouldn’t count for much in your world.