Wilson Audio Sophia spike options

I am looking for comments and / or recommendations regarding options to using the spikes supplied by Wilson Audio for use on my Sophias. There are many options out there such as Big Fat Dots, Stillpoint Ultras and Roller Block Jr HDSE, to mention just a few. The Ultra's and Jr HDSE are expensive options, which isn't an obstical that can't be overcome. There aren't any dealers in the greater Charlotte, NC area that carry these for demo. Is there anyone out there that have used any or all of these devices? Or other devices? I am using the Sophia's with my BAT mono blocks, preamp, and cd player and they soound really good. I also use an EAR 88pb with my tt's. Thank you for your time.
No offense meant to anyone, but my reaction was to the (in my view) obsessive compulsive nature of the question-spike options. I apologize in advance. But still.

Oh , ok , I went and removed my Herbie's gliders and replaced them with the stock ones but my wife like the look of the Herbies , happy wife , happy life .... Cheers .