Apple iPad music streamer


I am currently using an iPad to an external DAC streaming Qobuz @ 24/192. It sounds amazing! Anyone else using an iPad as a streamer? I am wondering if buying a dedicated music streamer would improve my listening? 



I connected a MacBook pro USB out to a Intona isolator then to a external DAC. I used Audirvana to play Qobuz and DSD. It sounded very nice but I'm thinking the MacBook is a noisy transport. So, this journey continues, a Node is on the way. I am trying to find a reseller that will let me audition a Arualic or Aurender in my music room. 


Just got the Aurender N200, an upgrade from the Bluesound Vault. Really nice and enjoying it immensely. 



My Aurender W20SE is $22K. I was concerned about the cost until I put it in my system…. It is a bargain. I immediately was thankful that I didn’t go for a lessor model.


Your thinking is in the right place… battery is quiet. The Aurender uses a battery to power the audio portion to minimize noise… it works. MACs / PCs too noisy. A good streamer is built up from the ground floor to be quiet. 

Ideally the streamer I need only does one job.There is no need for storage or disc components. Sadly my CD collection is gone however I'm very satisfied with Qobuz/Roon as a replacement Most streamers I see are paired with something and I am looking for a suggested device that is an improvement over my iMac DAC streaming without any of the noted.