You are right continual improvement with a specific system tend toward a limit...
I have reach this limit with my relatively good system...
I know because my 7 headphones are in a closet and i will not use them anymore they own no advantages over my actual system...
I listewn music....Audiophile obsession is not for me.... Acoustic was the key ignored by most who spend fortune on gear....
This is one thing you musk know:
Before my retirement my wifehas agreed to let me use 15,000 bucks to live my audiophile dream before dying 8 years ago...
For the last 2 years in my dedicated room i succeed in controlling my acoustic to a level so refine that my 500 bucks system satisfy my taste completely...
No upgrade needed, no further expanse...
Yes my room contain hundred of tubes among others things....Junk material used to create my mechanical equalizer...
Then who smile last with a piano sound natural filling the room, an imaging and soundstage under control...
Instead of expansive throwing of money under a bus i learned acoustic ....I am proud...And any dude with one million dollars system make me better on my way..... Guess why?
Acoustic may cost peanuts....
...... 😁😊😊😊
My regards and my best to you...
Continual improvement may not define the audiophile. When the journey becomes Ahab.
One can also reach a satisfaction dictated by results, age, budget, etc.
My bone of contention are the miracle products and proponents of absolutism.
Also my wife has an issue with Mahgister’s system.