Whole new world

Listening to Dexter Gordon One Flight Up to enjoy a relaxing Sunday evening. Playing at moderate volume and for whatever reason decided to cup my hands behind my ears. OMG. I know we all obviously hear more when doing this but the difference was startling. Sounds like a blanket has been taken off the speakers and Dexter is in the room. Problem is I thought he was before but now I can’t get over the difference. Makes me feel sad that my hearing is that bad. I’m only 48.


I’m sure many if not most of us have tried this. What say you?




I think the same effect is obtained regardless of your hearing level. 😃👍


Ok, now for a challenge. Quite few years ago someone in the audiophile community suggested you need to remove your glasses when listening. I think I remember doing it an noting a small different. 

I was just Hitting the Jug as I read this and I tried it. I believe it is mostly akin to turning the volume up.


Hmmm.  I can't remove my glasses since I spend most of my listening time with my computer on my lap.  I could go from my normal large plastic "smart guy" glasses to a much smaller pair of reading glasses with the proper correction for the computer....hmmm.


This is the same for all of us......when you cup your hands, you're 'capturing' the sound and you feel more immersed _in_ it; not unlike the effect of wearing headphones. 
Now, if one does this in a room that has been treated as close to perfection as possible (!) would the effect remain the same?
Who knows?
Who cares?!
I dunno nuttin'......... ;-)