Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?

Hi All,

instead of using a "gourmet" fuse in certain situations, I want to bypass the fuse entirely with a solid piece of metal. I also want to avoid soldering-in a piece of wire in the fuse’s place.

Are there solid pieces of silver or copper, the same size as a fuse, that i can swap into a fuse holder?


Are you an employee at what was the AKM semiconductor factory in Japan?

.."Oh, this might be an idea, someone on AudioGon said they used to do this back in 'Nam..."

Stop, Jesus.  Don't do this.

Get yourself decent room treatment and leave electricity to the pros.  Use exactly the fuse type and amperage recommended by the manufacturer. 

Many years ago, the cabal of fuse makers bribed the cabal of electrical gear manufacturers to install fuse holders.  IT IS A VAST CONSPIRACY.  I will shortly be selling an audiophile replacement bar to use in place of the fuse that has been blessed by Q himself (or herself, or itself).