Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping


Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping

I recently upgraded all my gear with the new Synergistic orange and purple fuses (15 in all) What a difference! My Cary SLP-05 preamp with 8 Vintage Tungsten  6SN7 tubes is having problems with the Orange and Purple Synergistic fuses in the power supply. For some reason when I turn on the preamp amp after warming up the powersupply unit, the 2 power supply fuses pop. So far Synergistic has been gracious and replaced them twice now. I increased  the 2 large slow blow fuses from 1amp to 2amps after asking Cary audio what I should try. I also spoke with Synergistic and they agreed their fuses are sensitive but all the stock fuses I ever used have worked flawlessly. Any body out there with any similar problems and maybe a solution? Any upgraded hi-fi fuses that may be less prone to popping? I think it may be due to a current rush (tube related) when I go from off to on. Help!



They are as you say hot end going in right to left

Greg, thanks for getting back to me on that.

But this is where I am confused (and maybe it is me, because although I can solder & de-solder, the theory of electronics is beyond me); in mine, the fuse inserts in the fuse holder and then the fuse holder plugs straight back into the back apron of the power supply, which actually seems more 'forward and aft' than 'right and left', but as I typed, maybe I am missing something?


Also, keeping in mind my limited grasp on electrical theory, tonight I did turn on my pre-amp as was suggested above . . . turned the pre-amp/6sn7s to 'on' and then turned the power supply on so everything powered up at once.  Why is that a softer start than turning the power supply on and getting the rectifier tube  going and then firing up the 6sn7s?  I believe you that it is, but I am not understanding why.


Hey, thanks again for getting back to me!


Hi again Matt,

I'm no expert either but unless I'm mistaken we have it right. The hot end is the forward end of the fuse which as you say goes straight in to the power supply. The SR is on the other end which is the fuse holder itself with the fuse values showing left to right as we read. Also, I think the power supply rush when turning on the unit first before the power supply eliminates the current rush because the rectifier tubes warm up slower. Again, someone else is the forum like HeavyMech knows way more on this stuff.

Happy listening


I have popped a few Synergistic fuses but now realize I have to go up a number, from Large 2A to 2.5. I think the Purple Fuse is the greatest value in audio performance, almost equivalent to upgrading IC's or PC's. Only fuse is accessible in my VTL 7.5 iii pre, and my Sansui TU-1X tuner. The pre did marvels. Will similar improvement work on the Sansui tuner, ca. 1977? Thx. Neal

I upgraded the fuses on my Magnepan 1.7i's from stock to Synergistic Purples and it was a revelation. The stock fuses sounded muffled and full of noise, I had a room of regular non audiophile people and every single one of them said the sound quality at least doubled in quality on the purple fuses. But! the 4 AMP Maggie recommended amperage value on the purples BLEW! So I bypassed ampage and got the 15AMP purples for sheer musicality happily in sonic nirvana to void my maggie warranty :)