What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?

If you made an intentional shift toward a 6SN7-based tube preamp, what sonic characteristics motivated your move?

I have been doing some comparisons and think I have some reasons I like the 6SN7 better, but there are so many factors which could be at play, that I'm not sure what is responsible. 

Rather than list my details for others to analyze, I'd rather hear your answer to the basic question.

Tell me about your path toward a 6SN7 preamp?

What did you change from and why?

Even if, overall, the change was worth it, did you lose anything in the transition? What?


My change was from another tube preamp and it got me in the right direction. More meat and flesh but without losing the top end or any detail. 

Passive, to 12a?7 pre to 6sn7 pre. The 6sn7 pre resides in my main system,the passive and 12a?7 pre are rotated in my secondary system.  The 6sn7 pre is an Aric Audio Motherlode II. It throws an incredible soundstage,great detail,totally pleasing sound to these ears.  It is definitely my forever pre. (At least until it’s not) LOL! 

my Cayin came with Cayin branded 6sn7 and 6sl7.

one burnt out, I tried a pricey pair of .... from Brent Jessee. Definitely changed the sound, I did not like them. Brent had me burn them in 60 hrs, then decide.

He let me exchange them for a different brand, half price, they sound terrific. I paid shipping, he refunded the difference in price.

IOW, research, ask, buy from someone like Brent Jessee who will let you exchange them till you get the magic.

Great replies! Keep them coming. I've had great experiences with Brent Jessee, too. Props to him.

@tidybear , in the main I hear the same , More solid tone and texture , similarly with amplification.