Experiment, Experiment; What have been your most successful finds?

In responding to a post, I was reminded how the search for great sound can be compared to a lab experiment, factoring many ingredients.  My response in part:

Early on in my audio experience, I hooked up with passionate, energetic music lovers that were excited to do the work necessary to achieve great sound.  My 80's brick & mortar dealer removed his living room picture window to install Altec Lansings, for example.  My 90's mod/engineer friend would spend hours testing isolation approaches, including those "under the hood" of gear.  And yes, changes can prove sideways or negative, but, until you try.

Efforts are always rewarded.  In mixing digital and analog gear, often compromises are required, such as volume controls, wiring approaches and room requirements in placement.  In recent years, I've learned room/loudspeaker integration to be most vital.  Study, experiment with tuning a room (laser ruler a must.)  Arrival timing, room resonances, bass nodes, ceiling and floor bounce, distances between and to your speakers, the rake of the speakers and how it relates to your listening height.  Experiment, experiment.  When you find ***IT***, once found, "it"...will be readily apparent to you.  THEN, everything you do upstream will take on much more life and character in your system.  Experiments with wire, electronic gear, contact enhancement, isolation will begin to reveal themselves once these windows open.

And yes, many of these things cannot be measured, however, we each possess the best testing devices ever created.  I'm squarely in both camps. Measurements indeed matter, known hard science matters to get close, THEN the fun work begins!

Some experienced listeners seem to have personal favorites in what's most important to address, often, impressed by some game-changing experience in their journey...amp, TT, speakers, you name it.  Often, that can become the "focal point" for individuals, however, as many have voiced here, everything does indeed matter once the windows open to great sound.  Experiment, experiment.  Please share your experiments, thanks.

Stay Positive, Test Negative                             More Peace, Pinthrift


Ok serious question here how does one measure their room? I suspect a mic and software of some sort?


Hi, I use REW:


along with a Dayton emm-6 microphone and a Focusrite usb interface, which is an ADC. The interface connects the stereo, the computer and the microphone. Also need a mic stand. There is a learning curve to get started, then to get good, consistent measurements. If I can do it, anyone can. 

@jond  I am a big fan of OmniMic and a mic stand.  It's not free but it's relatively easy to use and for my needs often easier than REW.  In particular the auto-eq features.

Thanks Erik I knew I'd read that name someplace before I'll give REW some thought but in a place as small as mine it may not make a difference.

I just had an AHA discovery. If I rip surround SACDs in muli channel I can put them on a drive and play them through my BluRay without messing with any archival disks. Much easier.

Highly recommended.