Rate my system/advise

Edit for spelling advice, advise.

Hey, I am new to hi-fi. I have been building a system, and I have not set it up yet to listen. I demo’d the speakers before purchasing, but with different equipment. I was curious of opinions on my purchases, and what room there is for improvement. I had bought the amp’s early, which are old, and hoped to make up for it with the preamp.

McIntosh MB100 Media Bridge

Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp

2 NAD 218 THX’s (each in bridged mono)

B&W 803 D3

Nordost Tyr 2 IC (MB100 to ARC REF 6)

Ansuz Diamond Signalz IC (ARC REF 6 to NAD 218 THX)

Nordost Heimdall 2 Speaker cables

Nordost Heimdall 2 Power cables

Nordost Reference jumpers


I am about to purchase:

Butcher block acoustics audio rack and amp stands w/

IsoAcoustics Orea Isolators

Rebel Sky Acoustics Diffusers

Auralex Deep6 Low-frequency absorbers


Those B&Ws err on the side towards bright/edgy especially on treble unless matched with warmer more forgiving amp. The Parasound mentioned or a McCormack would be good on a budget...Pass later at higher price perhaps. 

I'd rather you do DIY rack or even temporarily even cinder blocks etc in the short-term vs. keeping the NAD and buying a fancy rack.

For the room treatments, absorption or diffusion at first reflection point will be most impactful to taming those tweeters!



@jonwatches1 thanks so much for the encouragement and advice. I will give updates in the future. Maybe I can find a trade-in with cash for the mcintosh to get a mark levinson 5101 in the future. Seems like a decent price. 




@sbank do you think if I can find a good price on a 10-15 year old Pass Labs pair, that would be a good deal? I'll still probably wait it out at this point, but maybe stay posted on the market for good deals.  




Look at a good McIntosh or audio research amp. This will make a huge difference.

other than that looks like your on the right track. Love nordost cables too. 

Your NADs are a 15 year old design, and if used, may need a going through.

I suggest a modern class D or Purifi amp. Disregard the old reviews and audio snobs. They have come a long way.

@zpatenaude37, my apologies for my lack of reading comprehension.  Total swing and a miss on my part.