In keeping with the OP's question and not going off into the weeds, there's a review of the CEC TL5 from HIFi+ that says it outperforms their CD5, which is basically the same unit but with a built in DAC (making it a CDP), when using the digital out of both to a DAC.
Over at You/Tube, on the Hans Beekhuzen Channel, he reviews the CEC CD5 and really liked what he heard. In the comments section, someone brought up the Marantz SA-10 (still, a highly regarded CDP) and Hans said the CD5 beat it out by more than a nose.
So, yes, I think a dedicated CDT is the way to go. When Technics finally gets their act together and starts shipping their SU-G700M2 integrated, I plan on getting the TL5.
All the best,