Right-sizing the system / room treatment evangelist

I spent some time looking through a lot of the system photos yesterday. I was really struck by how much beautiful high end equipment is out there… usually very tastefully added / integrated with an existing living room, den, or some other existing room. But also how incredibly compromising these rooms have to be to the sound. There are a few with extensive room treatments, but the vast majority are nestled in with open doors, fireplaces, windows… and huge speakers in small spaces, some untreated boxy reflective rooms.

There are a few room treatment evangelists around here. I see why. There are tremendous opportunities to radically improve the sound. I am really lucky to have accidentally bought a large house with a really excellent large acoustic space. My dealer friend of over 20 years sell and installs high end systems an is very cognizant of right-sizing the system for the sound space. We have been carefull to right size my speakers. There is an optimum size system for a space.

I remember hearing one of the most incredible systems in a tiny room / large closet. It was at a dealer who had carefully chosen the equipment / size to be room appropriate… and the added benefit was it was less expensive… smaller speakers, less powerful amp.

So, I think if I was faced with putting my system in the living room (like I did when starting out) with all sorts of compromises, vs a smaller extra bedroom where I could control the space and right size the system. I would now choose the smaller space.


Agree.  I look at sizing a speaker in a room just like sizing an enclosure size for a driver.  

It's not the size of the loudspeaker its radiation pattern that has the most effect on sound quality in a room. Large speakers can be a great option for smaller spaces if you take care of the setup. It's not just all small rooms require small speakers. Not one way or the highway.

I have a small square dedicated listening room - roughly 13 x 13 - so I’ve been a big fan of room treatments out of necessity.

@golfsh00ter I sympathize as I had a similar room in my last apartment before I bought my house and use the basement as a dedicated listening room, and I had exactly the same bass bloat you’re experiencing.  Since it was an apartment I didn’t want to invest in room treatments, so my only solution was to pull my speakers 5’ out into the room for serious listening and push them back afterwards so my wife would still live with me.  Anyway, in your situation I think the JA Perspectives might be a bit much, and if it was me I’d do Pulsars with two good subs that will help you to better manage the bass nodes while still giving you a full-range speaker experience.  Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.