Is this a hobby,or contest? I enjoy quality musical reproduction. The only parameters that matter is how it sounds to my ears and brain. Like any hobby,there are many ways to go at it. Many different levels of enthusiasm. Many different budgets. Many,many different philosophies. I can honestly say,the only measurement that I pay attention to is the measurement of how far apart my speakers are,and the distance from boundaries. Monetarily speaking, I spend what I feel comfortable spending. No more,no less.
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
I'm old enough to remember Julian Hersch from Audio magazine and his very unscientific view that all amplifiers sounded the same once they met a certain threshold. Now the site Audio Science Review pushes the same.
I call these views unscientific as some one with a little bit of an engineering background as well as data science and epidemiology. I find both of these approaches limited, both in technology used and applied and by stretching the claims for measurements beyond their intention, design and proof of meaning.
Without getting too much into that, I have a very pragmatic point of view. Listen to the following three amplifier brands:
- Pass Labs
- Luxman
- Ayre
If you can't hear a difference, buy the cheapest amplifier you can. You'll be just as happy. However, if you can, you need to evaluate the value of the pleasure of the gear next to your pocket book and buy accordingly. I don't think the claim that some gear is pure audio jewelry, like a fancy watch which doesn't tell better time but looks pretty. I get that, and I've heard that. However, rather than try to use a method from Socrates to debate an issue to the exact wrong conclusion, listen for yourself.
If you wonder if capacitors sound different, build a two way and experiment for yourself. Doing this leaves you with a very very different perspective than those who haven't. You'll also, in both cases, learn about yourself. Are you someone who can't hear a difference? Are you some one who can? What if you are some one who can hear a difference and doesn't care? That's fine. Be true to yourself, but I find very little on earth less worthwhile than having arguments about measurements vs. sound quality and value.
To your own self and your own ears be true. And if that leads you to a crystal radio and piezo ear piece so be it. In my own system, and with my own speakers I've reached these conclusions for myself and I have very little concern for those who want to argue against my experiences and choices.
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- 197 posts total
"Oh, Erik....You're just being a party pooper...." 😏 Just teasing...I'm one of those recumbent wretches that finds more variance between speakers (The Obvious) rather than the pre's and the amps. @invalid ...I'm running 'large' ESS amt's as well, and everything I've driven them with essentially creates the same performance with only minor differences. One response in self I've noticed over time is that, when I've 'been away' from my pile of this 'n that, there's a 'readjustment' to my particular 'sound' as occurs. What occurs in the interval can be a lack of music, the dependence on automobile audio, or even just my cell into my bluetoothed aids... ...which is Precisely Why I don't try to comment on anyone else's system on a 'one time trial' basis.... I Don't Hear What You Do, no. Invite me for a weekend, and do nothing but....maybe.... We'll have to listen to what I like, which may drive you to distraction and a desire to hold me under until the bubbles stop....but, there it is...*L* Audio as a hobby and pursuit is so tied up to personal preferences I'm awed that we can agree on some things, but are willing to be on the verge of an alley knife dance on that we don' done through a screen with distance...*snicker* (I've my reservations about a meeting at an audio show that serves alcohol....*wry L*)
They sure do. 👍 The first time I heard it myself, was an unexpected pleasant surprise. :) The few times I reverted back to higher current solid state amplification, it did not take long to put the mono tube amps back into play. Fun and interesting. |
Because we have heard it with our own ears so many times it has become commonplace to us, but it is in truth quite miraculous that you can send an electrical impulse (or whatever it is) through a wire from one box into two other boxes and the sound of an orchestra comes out. Since the thing is magical altogether it’s not really hard to believe that different magicians can do the trick differently. |
I don’t think many people will argue if there are / are not sound differences between amps, given a certain minimum price level. We can quickly agree there are ... who knows simply because some amps may deliberately have been built to not sound 100% "neutral’. It’s more that some equipment is (highly) overpriced. Which in my definition is the case when the price is multiple factors over the net worth of the sum of the components used. Of course this is deliberate, targeting a certain public with deep pockets. Also there’s the law of the reduced added value. I don’t think an amp priced 10.000 sounds five times better than a 2000 one. Those last eight thousand may render you some very tiny nuances, if any at all. The amp’s casing may be a ’work of art’, which might be worth the extra 8000 to some. Your resemblance to expensive ’jewelry watches’ is spot on. |
- 197 posts total