Check this system out!

From today's New Orleans paper.


Shoot, that place is one big rattle trap and I am not kidding. In a proper listening room there has to be a minimum of filigree because if the system has decent low bass everything will sing. 

I've done a lot of work in uptown NOLA, his gear is fantastic I'd bet the mansion he's living in on Prytania is worth more than the gear. New Orleans would've fell to the wayside if it wasn't for guys like this buying and restoring these mansions built in the 1800's, they require constant maintenance. The taxes and insurance on these are through the roof as are utilities. 

The taxes and insurance on these are through the roof as are utilities. 

Trust's not just the mansions.

I’m sorry, but—are you guys serious? Have you looked at those pictures? Have you read the article, and Mr. Gish’s "Audio Tips"?

First, I have to agree with those who wondered about that gorgeous cabinet. We have to assume it’s well ventilated, especially as those MBLs require vast amounts of current to drive (and it looks like four MBL monoblocks in the cabinet). But the shelves are barely big enough to accommodate all that electronics, and one can see that there isn’t much space for air to circulate. Still, let’s assume those appearances are misleading somehow.

But what about Audio Tip #1, concerning the importance of the room. Mr. Gish actually says "speakers work best when placed away from the walls and corners." This is reiterated in Tip # 4: "Place the speakers one-third of the room’s length from the rear wall; a third of the room’s width from the side walls...." Good advice; but Mr. Gish evidently doesn’t follow it! And, as has already been pointed out in this thread, there’s so much stuff in that small room that will vibrate, rattle, or otherwise distract from the music. As far as I can tell from these photos, Mr. Gish has spent all his considerable money on equipment, then packed it into an obviously inadequate space where it shows well, but can’t possibly sound good.

Yeah, and then there’s the headphone museum. "How many heads does he have?!" Good one.

This is just conspicuous consumption, folks. This is not what an informed audiophile should admire, much less aspire to.

A friend of mine has MBL "Radialstrahler" omnis driven by big MBL monoblocks in a room he had designed in consultation with an acoustician. Yes, it’s a great sounding system, but the room is the most important part of it—and the most expensive. What’s the point of half a million dollars worth of SOTA equipment in a closet?! It’s a travesty.