The description is from Vinyl Engine offering an explanation on the DTS System utilised by Audio Technica.
I believe it is this Tonearm that was the birthplace for the commonly used philosophy for a design, that has a Stylus Contact Point and Pivot Vertical Motion Point designed to be at the same level. (Pivot in the Plane of the LP, is a loose description for this design)
To get the Math on the principle might be a little more difficult to acquire.
AT - 1010 is a DTS (Dynamic Tracing System) Tonearm that blends an original design with new materials.
Also, the tracing performance of Universal Tonearms has been Totally Reconsidered in this new design.
Development efforts were aimed at improving the overall tracing performance of the dynamic system with a cartridge mounted.
This results in Improvement in Auditory Sensitivity and Elimination of Resonance.
One of the most obvious features of the AT-1010 is to Stabilise Stylus Force in Dynamic Variations, an inherent problem with Conventional, General Arms, caused by the change in velocity of the modulated record groove.
For this purpose, the front pipe is set at a far higher location than the pivot bearing.
Also, the arm is equipped with a damping mechanism to damp low frequency resonance.
As a result, this Tonearm gives a tracing performance that is in no way inferior to an integrated arm.
The AT1010 exhibits a refined geometry, whereby the vertical motion pivot axis is in line with the stylus tip, thereby minimising the effect of varying stylus drag upon instantaneous downforce.