@skyscraper The following underscored info', was not at any time a offered as a definitive guideline and made with the intention as being the method that should be followed. It was a suggestion put forward to help you realise that to experience an alternative Tonearm in use with your TT, there was options to tackle this idea.
As you had already expressed an interest in machining a Task to produce a Standalone Pod seemed to be viable as a beginners project, either self produced or through dialogue with an engineering facility.
Additionally as you were expressing an inquisitive mind, I shared further info about the 'under the hood' considerations.
I will offer a suggestion, and one that I was familiar with having happened in the past few years.
A friend who had purchased an SP10 R was needing to select a Tonearm for it.
As an avoidance of acting in haste, they had a Standalone Tonearm Pod produced for quite a reasonable outlay by a local to their home engineering workshop.
This mounting device enabled them to try things out in a manner that suited their needs, as the need to have a plinth produced to suit multiple arm types was not desired.
As the device and mounting of the TT was capable of allowing for all Tonearms Lengths, variances could be catered for, this proved to be very useful device to experience Tonearms of various Brands and Models.
@skyscraper In the first two posts of this Thread you were offered information on Tonearm Models.
By the third post you have shown you have been influenced by the offered ideas, for a Tonearm Brand and as further posts evolved, it was becoming clear you were toying with the idea of looking into discovering if alternate Tonearms were an option to be used on your TT.
In post 18, you were offered the idea of replacing the entirety of your TT Set Up with another Brands products, by the individual making the underscored statement statement below.
As usual on this forum, the information offered does go off topic, and such a suggestion to get rid of your present TT, reaches far beyond the initial OP request, of how to select a Tonearm, that might be a future event.
You have posts here that even gone to almost " stupid " advise for you as an external arm-pod when your needs are way different. Even you and certainly not me know for sure what you really need till the Kleos arrives .
I hope you can differentiate the differences between the suggestion I have made.
Which was offered to help with your understanding of an option to use a device that could be acquired at quite a reasonable outlay, to enable an experience of a alternative Tonearm with your TT, and the suggestion to get rid of your TT set up and purchase a New Brand entirely.
My suggestion, from my end seemed to be a cost effective method to broaden your experience, especially a experience that seems attractive to yourself to encounter, and usable on a TT that has limited options to use alternative Tonearms.
I certainly won't be informing an OP to get rid of the entirety of the LP Replay front end, when a inquiry is made about how to choose a Tonearm.
I certainly won't be making a statement that users of a Standalone Tonearm Pod whether encountered within a forum or outside, that their chosen method is ' stupid
I certainly don't agree with those that think it is OK to express such futile types of comments either.