Sensitivity isn't the issue as much as impedance curve. The Pass can handle it because those speakers are it's raison d'etre. A 300B SET won't do here.
Having said that I used 845SET's with Merlin VSM-MM, around 90db with pretty benign impedance curve. I doubt 300B could handle. I once tried for kicks 2a3 monoblocks I had at the time on the Merlins, nice transistor radio sound.
The problem with 5wpc amp is so few speakers allow for it. I'm not even sure my Klipschorns would be happy with less than the 8wpc my 300B amps provide. I was considering 2a3 or 45 amp until I saw a number of less than stellar reviews of the pairing. Khorns with shallow slope crossovers do have a bit of impedance concern, steep slope and drop down to aprox. 3ohms at 100hz.