Most beautiful turntable under $5k

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but thought this might be a fun topic. Obviously the most important thing about audio gear is how it sounds, but I find some of it truly beautiful to look at too, particularly turntables, which almost by necessity are best placed somewhere on display. Some days I love the simplicity of something like the Clearaudio Concept Wood (particularly the dark wood)….other days the “audio jewelry” appearance of EAT or VPI. My personal vote, however, would go to the Gold Note Pianosa. For me it has a timeless beauty and elegance that’s never over the top. I can’t imagine ever tiring of looking at in and think it would look great with a wide array of decor.

What would be your personal choice for most beautiful turntable under $5k? What about cost-no-object options?


The Montegiro Lusso is certainly out standing… for me not in a good way. To me, it is actually the worst looking table I have ever seen. But it is completely personal tastes.

I am very fond of wood and gravitate towards traditional elegant.  Hence I own a Linn Rosewood (called rosenut). And Sonus Faber Amati Traditional violin Red speakers.



@ghdprentice , rosenut is stained birch. It is considerably softer and less expensive than any species of rosewood. Wood is actually a great material to make a plinth out of as in thicker sections it does not resonate. If you tap on it you just get a dull thud. Sonus Faber does make beautiful speakers and compared to Magico and Wilson are a great value. If I were a point source kind of guy I would definitely go for them. 

The Montegiro is not only butte ugly it is also poorly designed. They will not sell many of them. 

I am debating making a new plinth for the Sota. Frankly, the workmanship and finish are not as good as the older units. They have always been made to a price which is a reasonable thing to do bringing high performance at a more modest cost was David Fletcher's goal. He left the flashy stuff to AJ Conte. The Basis Inspiration is IMHO a classy table with impeccable performance to match. I would get mine in black.


I always find wood labeling very confusing because it is frequently a conflated combination of wood type and color. Drives me crazy. 

I own the Gold Note Mediterraneao, and to me, a truly beautiful work of art.....