Anyone using a LAN isolator?

For those running an Ethernet cable to their streaming solution, whether Raspberry pi, nuc, streamer, etc, anyone using a LAN isolator? If so, what are the benefits and which one are you using? 



You’re correct, Acoustic Revive did make Schumann Resonator. I own their previous generation resonator, RR-777. Very effective! About eBay counterfeits, no idea brother; I always bought my AR products from a US dealer. The Lotus Group is the US distributor. 

I kind of am but only for lightning protection at the cable modem / wifi router junction.

Keep in mind that Ethernet is inherently balanced and galvanically isolated. There's no metal to metal path thanks to the use of ICs with built in isolation (not sure about PoE).  

Wish USB was like this.

If you wanted to try this, use this: