Chuckle. I now own a Linn LP12 with Koetsu Rosewood Signature. To gain back some of the solidity I lost from my VPI I added a Silent Running Audio isolation platform. I like it… and actually have their highest level tone arm waiting to be installed… I have the intermediate one now (~$2,800). I will be interested in hearing the difference.
I thought long and hard about the turntable change before doing it. While based on SQ research I also let a bit of nostalgia and desire to have something that looked good. For all of my 50 my years pursuing the high end I never had enough money to allow looks to enter the equation… it was sound quality only… and always a compromise for that. But I am retired and, well could afford to let looks enter the picture. Also, my friend and audio dealer is a Linn master technician and knows my taste in sound well… he loves working on turntables. So, ultimately a great decision. Another thing I liked about Linn was upgradability. I know myself, I will not be happy until I get to the top. I am now only one upgrade away from the top… it sounds fantastic.
While I am not an expert, I am not a Technics fan… my good friend (above) is an expert and is in agreement. He has worked on and tuned different generations of them. Turntable sound is very personal. Some like a “lively” sound. I like a more solid with and exceptional quite background… to my understanding that takes mass or incredible isolation.