Is there any one piece of vintage gear you most wished you owned?

Assuming vintage interests you, what one piece of vintage equipment would you most like to own? 


Pioneer SX-1980

So I could sell it for the ridiculous prices they bring.

And no, I'm not against owning and keeping vintage. I own several vintage amps and receivers, but the SX-1980 is overkill and overpriced.

Found a pair of AR-2ax in Illinois, bought them, wish me luck.

Thanks for this discussion.


Now, my garage/shop system, recently purchased a nice Yamaha CR-1040, 80 wpc, I run two sets of speakers. It has a hard to find part that blows if you push them too hard.

For these AR-2ax and the shop pair, I may buy a CR-2040, 120 wpc (without that problem), sell the CR-1040. I replaced the burnt out lights, looks and sounds terrific, don't need/want tubes down there.

Wish I had my Infinity FET preamp back. My bad trading it for a Bedini 66DE preamp, removed in short order. Didn't know anything back then. Never will decide based on a quick swap and listen with time constraints... need time to assess gear, at least a few days.