Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes

Two years ago - March 2020 we were hoarding toilet paper. Fast forward to March 2022 - we are hoarding vacuum tubes. Oh, how times change.


"Fast forward to March 2022 - we are hoarding vacuum tubes."

Should read.....YOU are hoarding vacuum tubes.

 Sigh. Another unnecessary thread topic

   Guilty as charged! I hoard vacuum tubes, and ammunition. At 65 years old I’ve calculated the amount I’ll need of both for a guesstimated life span and made multiple purchases. Living in California it’s also prudent to stock up on items that are banned and/or heavily taxed. Now before passing judgment as you all will, I purchased my items to consume in a normal manner of usage, and not to speculate and turn a profit. I’ve been into firearms and tubes for 55 years. I remember buying guns and ammo at the hardware store and the self serve RCA tube tester with the lower cabinet stocked with new tubes at the Thrifty Drug Store. I do wish I’d bought some KT 150’s to try. I added the ammo and California to this for simple illustration, please do not go political and ruin this fine man’s thread. Regards , Mike. 

Both useful items, but hardly interchangeable.

Actually, if one is desperate enough, they can take the leftover cardboard toilet paper holder and put it in place of a (now dead) tube and imagine how it would sound. You could even put a candle inside and enjoy the glow. 😀

All the best,

Never got the directive to hoard toilet paper.

Guess that's the price I pay for not following conspiracy theorists.

If people had not hoarded it, there wouldn't have been a shortage-- perfect example of  a self-fullfilling prophecy.