Limited soundstage between speakers

No matter what the source, the soundstage in my system remains within the width of the speakers. I read with envy of systems which extend the soundstage outside the speaker boundaries. Is this a problem with my speakers, amplification, room boundaries or something else?

What change should I make to improve the soundstage?

gyrodec/shelter 501/exposure 3010s2d/ spendorA6



I remember a member saying in a well acoustically treated room the speakers should not require any toe-in regardless of their design. My setup proves he was dead on correct. 

+1 ghdprentice

+1 baylinor

Also, see if its possible for you to implement the Cardas Near Field recommendation, among others, as outlined in :

rrm, it is not you that have the a problem. It is everybody else.  A well set up system will not image beyond it's speakers with normal program sources. Some engineers will do tricks with phasing and delays to throw images beyond the speakers for special effect like Roger Waters's  Amused to Death album. If a system is imaging beyond it's speaker it is because reflections in the room are smearing the image that way. It is an indication that more control over room acoustics is indicated. 

If you want a wider sound stage either move your speakers a little further apart or move your listening position in closer. If you like a big life size image buy line source speakers like Magnepans or Sound Labs. 

As others have said, placement/positioning of speakers along with the recording and how much out-of-phase information is contained on it are key almost regardless of speaker design. Most of the music in my system occurs between the speakers with lots of depth and 3D soundstage, but I’ve got an Opus 3 recording where a good amount of the music extends 6’ outside the speakers. I think Roger Waters’ Amused to Death CD also incorporates a good amount of those techniques. Bottom line — if you’re happy with what’s happening between the speakers I wouldn’t much worry about it. But, pulling the speakers out more and reducing toe-in might help, AND ITS FREE! How many things in this hobby can you say that about? Best of luck.