Vandersteen 2ce Sig II

So I've got a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with TS KT 120 tubes and am updating my speakers from some Martin Logan Aerius i's that I built when I worked there in college over 15 years ago. Gonna have the mylar replaced and put them in a second system. I was wondering if anybody thought the Vanersteen 2ce Sig II's were a good match for the Cronus Magnum with the big bottle upgrade. I'm currently using VPI Scout with a Grado Reference Master cart and mainly only listen to vinyl although I do have a Mac Mini with a cheap DAC hooked up to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated if anybody has had experience with this setup.
Thanks, Tim
Miketuason thanks for your post
((Patented "reflection-free" mid range drivers, although this is probably only used in model 3A and up....))

The New Vandersteen 2CE Sig II now features the
Patented "reflection-free" mid range drivers,and tweeter
from the Five as.
Having used a pair of 1Bs for years (sold after refurbishing...too popular with the cats) I can say they KICK ASS. Used 'em with various amps and they were (and certainly are) amazing for the money. The "small baffle" idea for both the tweeter and woofer, along with the "time aligned" arrangement is simply perfect...along with the transmission loading of the woofer. My only quibble is you can't easily take the covers off and look at stuff. I've known a few people with various Model 2s, including a well regarded jazz sax dude/tube freak, and they all love 'em. Classics...legends...icons...
Did it make a big different from the previous mids and tweeters? I should have waited for the new Sig II before I bought mine, oh well!
Hi Mike
I wouldnt sweat it....
while there is a nice improvment,it looks like you have
yours operating in top order.
Most folks that have good placement, proper set up,
such as laser tilt back and side to side buble level will be too busy enjoying the music.
Listen to John @ Audio Connection. The laser tilt back and side bubble level treatment that he did on my 3ASigs was 'Major". Thank you Captain.