Records, CDs, Streaming

What percentage of time you spend listening to CDs, records and/or streaming?, 

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I listen in phases.  About a month ago I listened 90% of the time to streaming.  Currently, 90% CDs and SACD’s. Other times, mostly records, depending on my mood.

OP, so… why? Is it a difference in sound quality on your system? Nostalgia? Just kind of fun fiddling with a disk?


For me, it is nostalgia. Spinning a disk (vinyl). The sound quality is the same. 

Whitefishpoint1175 >>>>Woah, wait a tick, wouldn't that be 331/3, 331/3, 331/3?

95% digital, about 60/40 split between streams and cd rips from my over 2500 cd  collection. Vinyl is for nostalgic listening sessions, beginning to doubt whether even worth it to upgrade my vinyl setup at this point.


I just go through phases of interest.  Streaming and CDs sound about the same.  

SACDs sound better. And records with the right pressing.can sound the best.