Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile

I know there are a lot of audiophiles who don't think sterophile knows what they are talking about but I think its' pretty impressive that a 1000 preamp is put in the same category as 50K and up.  I can't really believe that the Freya + is that good.  I have one and do think it's pretty amazing for all that you get and you can really make it even better with some better tubes.  I am constantly blown away at the sound of the Freya + into the Decware Zen triode amp. 2K for the combo and just about the best sound I have ever had in my home.  Great news for less well heeled audiophiles.  


Been a long time since I looked at a Stereophile (or other audio mag), but didn't they used to put the "for the money" components in a separate class or something?  I'd swear I remember something like that.

Most, but not all, people who post here don't listen to music. They listen to equipment instead.

Most, but not all, people who post here don't listen to music. They listen to equipment instead.

I have made the same observation myself

You need to understand what class A means. It means for the money.

Nowhere in the description for recommended components does Stereophile say classes are cost dependent. You guys are making this up. Stereophile says:

Class A
Best attainable sound for a component of its kind, almost without practical considerations; "the least musical compromise."

They only reference that some components may be a bargain for their performance level by listing dollars signs, one through 4 ($$$$) as an indicator of cost. The key is "component of its kind" meaning bookshelf speaker vs bookshelf speaker. If you have seen something different, please share your source.