Incredibly wrong...
Rightful room acoustic and good system NEVER sound dull...
That remark say much about your system/room than about anything else... Sorry...
The best systems are going to sound dull at first.
Wrong too ...It only reflect acoustic ignorance transformed in audiophile dogma, ignorance of two main factors in room control: listener envelopment (LEV) and sound source width (ASW) and their acoustic interrelation ...
The image will not extend beyond the speakers unless the engineer is resorting to trickery.
I will refer now you to this paper at the end to understand what i speak about because you demonstrated that you have no IDEA about its existence and how to create it in your room...
A clue : electronic equalization will NEVER do it... 😁😊
But you are right about something too, good system
They will always play at louder volumes without strain making you think they are nowhere near as loud as they actually are.
Yes this is true...
There will be little if any sibilance behind female voices and imaging will be pinpoint and holographic
This is true...
You are not totally wrong... 😁😊
But dull no, no good room /system is dull EVER, in the oppposite all good System/room are astounding BECAUSE of the naturalness of timbre perception and dynamic....Simple...
And listening to only a sound " in between" the speakers No thanks keep it for you... Your system/room is, if not flawed, uncontrolled and the treatment is not very well made...Very sorry for you....Put aside your electronic equalizer manual and read some room acoustic paper... 😁😊
To help you this is an abstract of this paper which will explain what i spoke about because you have no clue it seems ...But beware this article is one among others that will be necessary to read to understand how to implement Lev and ASW correct balance in a small room...
Hanyu,Toshiki; Sekiguchi, Katsuaki; Koizumi Yuki
Nihon University
It is well known that later reverberant sounds contribute to listener envelopment (LEV). On the other hand, the effect of early reflections on LEV has not sufficient ly been clarified. In this paper, listening tests were carried out in order to examine the effect s of early reflections on LEV.
As the result, it was confirmed that early reflections affected not only the auditory source width (ASW) but also LEV. In ad dition, there were some cases in which early reflections suppressed LEV, specifically when the early reflections increased ASW.