Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!

Found an excellent (i.e.. inexpensive) source for Mogami's 3104 speaker cable.  It's arranged as a quad 12 gauge cable, so you could bi-wire or combine to make a 9 gauge cable.

Less than $7 /foot from Markertek.  More expensive from Parts Express.

More when the pants show up.


Yeah performance has worked for me...mogami was one of first diy speaker cable efforts...You must cut this wire after initial length cut...strands dont survive stripping.Fwiw.

(for anybody interested..3103,3104 in 7ft lengths)?


I ended up using my basic Miller 100 stripper for Canare 4S11.

Borrowed a multiple hole stripper (somehow that just doesn't sound right) from neighbor, but it was too long cumbersome to maintain a 90 degree angle when pulling/pushing off the PVC jacket (lost many strands).

The compact Miller worked well, though I had to don leather work gloves as the jacket is difficult to remove.

Out of 16 strips I only lost a couple of strands (not a big deal).



I was going to keep this simple... but it isn't.

First, my cable is too thick for basic pants.  So need more / bigger heat shrink.

Decided to go ahead and add a PET jacket. Well, my solder gun / heat knife got thrown away a couple of moves ago.  Considering this may be the last time I ever put together speaker cables it's really getting expensive. 😁


What are the "pants" you refer to?

After my stripper post, that's as far as this/my query goes on the matter.

I found stripping the Canare painful/tedious, but I have mild arthritis in a few finger joints.

Ordered the copper spades you suggested, so will have to go through the process again as the binding posts mucked up the wire /copper strands.

Looks like I may need to rough up/mat out the finish on the spades (per reviews being that they are too slick), but figure that if really needed I'll just lightly clamp them (mini vise) with medium particulate sand paper.

I didn't want to "pop" for your Mogami cable as the Canare may only end up in two Sharp based mini systems, but I would have popped for Canare 4S11G (if I could have found it for sale in the USA).



Hey @DeKay,

Cable "pants" are specialized heat shrink, which make the transition from the outer cable jacket to the individual + and - conductors more tidy. Sometimes instead of heat shrink they are are little barrels with 1 in and 2 or 4 out. They can look pretty fancy but are also pretty heavy.

The kind I ordered fit OK on the jacket, but the legs were too small for the dual 12 gauge conductors that needed to fit each.

PS - Parts Express has the 2 conductor Mogami 3103 per foot.