

No worries.  I understand your position.  My post was more directed at those I quoted.



My sister, who still lives in NY reported to me that people were protesting outside of the Russian Tea Room in NYC. For those unfamiliar, that’s a landmark restaurant in NYC which has been around forever. Since nobody is eating there of late, that should stop Putin. On the other hand some horrible racist pushing an elderly Chinese woman in front of a moving subway train hasn’t slowed down Xi Jinping a bit,

Posting here on Audiogon has yet to do the trick either, but at least is as civilized as protesting the Tea Room, It gives we audiophiles a chance to vent a little as we’re as outraged as everyone else, and in most ways powerless to do much about it. Exception noted for our wonderful member helping Ukranian refugees on site in Poland.


@whomever above  REALLY?  You think people who are concerned about others buying from Russia at this time need mental attention?  And the other guy--the drunk, whatever, dude.  

You must a been a hit in 'Nam with your buddies.

I recently stopped wearing my Ushanka-cap (Russian fur cap with ear covering flaps) in protest.

When small scale tactical nukes are deployed, you can use this resource and then ask around what the half life is and when the tubes can be safe to handle. 

Before anyone complains, (c'mon now) you know you will. 😄

All the best,