Why do I need power management if I have a great power cord?

Isn't it kind of unnecessary to additionally add a power conditioner if I have an expensive audio file grade Power cord connected to a component?

So you buy a Power conditioner from a hi-fi store and they say oh, you need a really good power cord to go with that and then another one to go from conditioner to the component. Do you need it all and why? Seems the last couple of feet before the component should be more than enough.


Usually, I think about 90%+ the answer is because your system will sound much better. Mine always has. My neighborhood has underground power and I have two direct lines to my system; one for my components and one for my amp. The power seems very stable… but my system sounds significantly better with a conditioner.

I recently tried a Cardas power distribution strip ($1,500, with great cords attached to it) instead of my power conditioner… it took a couple second to hear the drop in sound quality. This is what most… but not all people experience. You could be one of the lucky ones… but odds are not in your favor.

raysmtb1's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x


538 posts


You don’t need any of it. People are preying on you and making you feel like your missing something. It’s all about the “UPSELL” in retail audio. You’re not missing anything.


People who say it's all snake oil raise two questions for me:

1. Do you think that these cords and conditioners have just been fooling everyone for decades? And they are too stupid to realize it and too deluded to know that they are not hearing a difference? If your answer is "yes" then you have a very low opinion of thousands of audiophiles.

2. Have you tried it? And if you had and it made no difference *to you* are you then just willing to extrapolate from one example to everyone else who does hear a difference?


raysmtb1's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x


540 posts


You don’t need any of it. People are preying on you and making you feel like your missing something. It’s all about the “UPSELL” in retail audio. You’re not missing anything.

  I agree!

I guess all the "me too" posts makes it official:
they don't know what they're talking about.

All the best,