Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



@smodtactical If I too may offer a supportive angle about value and quality of sound some of the smaller lower-volume production builders offer. When we lock into a special preamp or special amplifiers, immediate resale value becomes less relevant because we choose to keep these units and listen them over decades vs. years.

Looking at photos inside of Aric Audio amps and preamps some can see what’s going on there and what makes it extra nice in terms of parts, hand-made layout, construction. Something most of the mainstream manufacturers won’t offer due to higher labor costs. Lifting the hood and looking underneath, comparing, comes next once you learn more.

Even the lower priced (Aric Audio 6SN7 Linestage) is nice, can use different tubes for different sound and presentation, another option if you don’t like tube swaps in your current ARC ref5se. And, we’ve got the designer/builder right here on this forum. This is value-add $ for those of us who seek out the better boutique builders. I’ll go out on a limb to say its likely Aric can get you closer to the sound you seek.  Another reasonably affordable option if the your existing preamp does not work out for you.


I own two of Aric Audio products. One the Special preamp which I purchased from Aric as a demo and the other the Transcend KT88 PP bought used here on AG for ~30% of  current retail. I love both as highly valued great sounding pieces. 

My experience is that Aric is most congenial in his dealings, honest about his products, transparent in his advise, generous with his time and knowledge, and enjoyable to talk with. 

Should I ever own a truly efficient speaker I would not hesitate to purchase one of his SET amplifiers. I believe that his products will hold value as well as any.  Customer support is as good as any. 

It is known by most in this hobby that if one orders a made on demand, one of a kind component, that it would have limited resale market value should it be put up up for sale. 


Last summer I was on the hunt for my forever preamp.  I figured I would purchase new,since this was going to be the one.  I had it narrowed down to Don Sachs, Supratek Chardonnay, or an Aric Audio Transcend 6SN7 Line Stage.  I decided against the Sachs solely on the wait time. Now it was down to two choices.  The only other new piece of gear I’ve ever purchased was Aric’s Unlimited preamp.  I had decided at that point I was going to reach out and order from Aric. Literally,right after making that decision,a Motherlode II came up for sale on this site. It was a bit of a stretch budget wise,but it was definitely the right decision.  Aric has always been responsive to any questions.  His gear is top notch. I differ from most folks. When I purchase gear,I look at how the gear will improve my enjoyment only.  Some look at resale in six months,because there is always that itch to scratch. Aric has been around long enough where his gear is getting the reputation it deserves. I feel he makes true high end gear,at human prices.  I’m not saying that there aren’t other great manufacturers out there,because there certainly are. If folks are only interested in getting as much as they can on resale, I think they are already making a compromise.  Remember,you might be ruling out the better gear,simply because there aren’t tens of thousands of used sales records in which to refer. 


A BLACK ICE F360...2 friends have purchased this based on what they heard in my system.

It took a THORESS DUAL PURPOSE Preamp to better it!!!