Mogami 2921 vs Canare 4s11 vs ???

My goal is to build new cables that I will use for the next 15 years, no matter what speakers I have, but I don't want to spend money that will force me to get a 2nd mortgage..  My current speakers are 4 Ohm so my thought is I need at least 12 gauge - 10 gauge wire.  I am planning to replace my AudioQuest Type 4 speaker wire in my home theater with Canare 4s11 until I found Canare 4s11g, unfortunately you can't buy Canare 4s11g, at least I couldn't find it for sale.  So I began looking at other speaker wire and  Mogami speaker cable appeared.  There are several choices, the 3104, 3103, 2921 are a few.them. Most of the ink is on Mogami 3104 speaker wire and it is highly regarded. I noticed Mogami 2921, 4 conductors of 14 gauge wire appeared to be exactly like the Canare 4s11, except the Mogami copper wire is OFC.  My question for the experts who support this forum are:  Is the Mogami 2921 as good or better than the Canare 4s11?  Should I continue to search for Canare 4s11g cable or just be happy with the 4s11? Should I expand my budget and use one of the Mogami flavors (3104, 3103, 2921)  wire?  Should I stop the search for wire and just purchase 10 -12 gauge OFC wire and end the analysis paralysis?

If the DIY speaker wire build goes well I am sure I will replace my Monster cable stereo connections with new cables and connectors, but first things first..... the speakers need new connections.  Any and all feedback is welcomed.

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I purchased (2) 17’ runs of Canare 4s11 for my Magnepan 3.7 which are 4 ohm and it is excellent. Good prices from Redco in CT. Sorry no experience with Mogami.

I have been using Canare 4S11 speaker cables in both systems for a couple of years. I have no desire to change, ever. Previously, I had expensive $1K+ cables. The Canare are much better, not even a comparison.


Previously, I had expensive $1K+ cables. The Canare are much better, not even a comparison.

Thank you. I have some $1K+ speaker cables as well and have considered a DIY speaker cable. You have just answered the question I have been asking myself

I ended up selling higher priced wires as well...You make a nice pair of speaker cables,Quality connectors."run them in right".I think you'll be very surprised at the level of quality/ect that you're able to achieve.

I've been very happy with Mogami cable over the years. I currently bi-wire with their 4con12awg -3104. Its overkill in my particular application as the runs are only 9ft each but it's excellent quality and Performance Audio's per foot pricing beats all including Markertek.