

It seemed he was mostly about himself and I wasn't much interested.

Actually, I have seen more people thank him publicly than any other poster here. His ability to be abrasive gets high marks, but I took him as a troubled genius because I have seen this before

@baylinor be nice! Have respect for the Banished.

@twoleftears it was posted yesterday.

I did send him a message and he did reply. He said he is having fun doing the web stuff.


His room sure looks different. He came out of the closet sort of speak.


Unfortunately the "I'm better than you" syndrome is not specific to MC on this site. In fact some of the ones who rail against him are guilty of the same behavior. Thankfully lots of folks are very respectful here but others love spending their time lecturing the "uneducated". This sense of entitlement is counter productive and disrespectful. MC did open my mind to a few things but because of his style, I do not miss him.

I’ve known a few, genuine geniuses in my lifetime. MC shares nothing in common with them, imo.
I’ve known quite a few who wanted to be considered geniuses, and who pretended they were. Fate catches up to them sooner or later, in my experience. And it's never pretty.

Miller is a promoter of other people's property. His placement of a product and word craft may make some think these are his by design. Which is exactly what he wants. Butt none came from his mind. Tom