Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


The media is perhaps responsible for this "print money" thing. It has been noted here that central banks do not actually "print" the currency you have. Each country has their own physical issuer of notes and coin. I think that it is the Treasury in America, which may contract the function out to a specialized outfit. Whatever, I dunno.

Central banks control (in theory, via a few methods) the money supply. Cash and coins are a very small fraction of the money supply, perhaps a single digit percentage of the total. Like anyone, I’d have to look it up (possibly on the Fed page somewhere I referenced previously, for America), and its included in what is known as the M1 part of the money supply.

Wow just Wow.

Spent 3 weeks in Poland with my Ukrainian Jewish wife helping with refugees from her home land of Ukraine. 

This same type of disinformation by Russia led to the invasion. You know the Ukrainian Neo Nazis that had over run the Government of a duly elected president that had 80% of the vote and is a Jew himself.

No bank are not a Ponzi scheme, yes there is corruption in the system, no it is not run by Jews, yes stereo gear can be expensive. And Governments do print money and often based on short term fixes for sagging economy's.

I recall the story of Idi Amin Dada the brutal dictator of Uganda being told by his Finance Minister that Uganda was Bankrupt, broke, had no money and Idi responded with "Well then print more money".

Sometimes I think the folks in DC subscribe to this financial model.

But Idi had a kick but stereo I hear.



"When you’re in your early twenties, it is much easier to enjoy just about everything. It being Friday was reason enough to have a party and throw caution to the wind. Everything was funny. You had girlfriends who were also in their early twenties. Who at 70 wouldn’t want to be in that situation again?

Each to his/her own. I for one don't feel I enjoy music any less now than I did when I was in my twenties. As for all the raging hormones and emotional drama that go along with Nature's drive for procreation, I don't miss that either. I no longer have the energy to sustain such wildness/chaos and wouldn't choose to if I could. Ultimately I've found peace more beguiling.